Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Maybe I Can Do This!

Okay Jen, I am going to try again! My blog will never be as insightful as yours, but hopefully I can share what is going on in our life--a little! I don't have anything really new to say or add, but when I do, I will try to put it here for you all to see!

Today is the recovery day from baking yesterday for a cookie swap at my house. It was fun, but I am tired today and a bit worthless. I am avoiding the laundry like the plague and for some reason it just doesn't seem to be going away! Sigh.

On a brighter note--I am getting my disgusting, filthy car detailed today!

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

YOU CAN DO IT! (not that I need your blog to keep up with you - just 2 hour phone coversations while I make my Costco run)

How did the cookie exchange turn out? I'd still love the recipe if you have a chance to send it to me.

Sorry we were cut off today! but I knew we were about to hang up anyway, so I didn't call back.